19 May 2012

Evaluation Report of ICDS 70% Community Leaders Feel the ICDS Program is ‘Very Useful to the Community’

The Programme Evaluation Organization of the Planning Commission conducted an evaluation of ICDS through National Council for Applied Economic Research (NCAER) during 2009. Draft report of the said evaluation study was disseminated in August 2010 by the Planning Commission, following which the Ministry of Women and Child Development provided detailed comments on the draft report for its finalization. Some of the findings contained in the draft report were not agreed to by the MWCD due to their factual incorrectness. 

Some of the key findings in the draft report are as below: 

i. About two thirds (64%) of the children received supplementary nutrition (may not be for all 300 days) out of total children recorded in the delivery register by AWW. Against the norm of 25 days a month, on an average they received food for 16 days in a month. 

ii. Overall 42.5% of sampled AWCs have their own buildings, 17.4% are in rented buildings, 17.3% are located in primary schools and other 22.9% are running from AWW/AWH house, panchayat and community buildings. 

iii. Country-wide, a total of about 87% AWCs were found to have drinking water supply. 

iv. 69% of sampled AWCs have functional baby weighing scale; 

v. About 94% of sampled AWWs reported to have been adequately trained to conduct pre-school education; 

vi. About 40% of AWWs reported getting some help from Panchayat with about 36% in monitoring and 34% in providing infrastructure. About 70% of the community leaders felt that the ICDS program was very useful to the community; 

vii. Average attendance of no. of children 3-6 yrs based on three sudden visits by the Research Team was found to be 14. 

viii. Intended behavioural changes of varied intensity have been observed in Kerala, Himachal Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, West Bengal and Jharkhand. In general, the practice of breast feeding within an hour of birth is found to be more widespread among ICDS beneficiaries; 

ix. ICDS has also positively influenced formal school enrolment and reduction in early discontinuation among beneficiaries; 

At the national level, ICDS programme has impacted the immunization coverage, especially measles vaccination. 

This was stated by the Minister for Women and Child Development, Smt. Krishna Tirath, in a written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha today.

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